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Design and Operation of Pipeline Cathodic Protection Systems - Design, Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Survey and Monitoring

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 Course Overview


Design and Operation of Pipeline Cathodic Protection SystemsMaintaining the ageing infrastructure such as underground pipelines is a challenge to facility owners worldwide. Understanding why and how cathodic protection works or fails can help the operator formulate appropriate strategy in managing the pipeline corrosion problems. This 5-day course covers both the fundamentals and practices in the design, installation operation, maintenance, survey, monitoring, and trouble-shooting of pipeline cathodic protection systems.


This course is available for in-house training, online and distance learning worldwide. It can also be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization.


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 Course Outline

1.1 Corrosion and cathodic protection
       1.1.1 Electromotive force series
       1.1.2 Effect of concentration on potential: the Nernest equation
       1.1.3 Effect of temperature on potential
       1.1.4 Common reference electrodes used in cathodic protection
       1.1.5 Converting measured potentials between different reference electrodes
       1.1.6 Corrosion cell componenets
       1.1.7 Corrosion cell kinetics: polarization
       1.1.8 Converting corrosion current to corrosion weight or thickness loss:
                  Faradays's law
1.2. Corrosion potential
        1.2.1 Definition
        1.2.2 Measurement
        1.2.3 Interpretation
        1.2.4 CP applied potential vs. corrosion potential
        1.2.5 Determining the corrosion rate of a structure under cathodic protection
1.3. Factors influencing the operation of a corrosion cell
        1.3.1 Depolarization of a corrosion cell: cathode Depolarization
        1.3.2 Anode depolarization
        1.3.3 Increased polarization in a corrosion cell
        1.3.4 Circuit resistance changes in a corrosion cell
        1.3.5 Effect of driving voltage on a corrosion cell
        1.3.6 Effect of time on a corrosion cell
        1.3.7 The double layer and Randles circuit model for an electrode
                   interface in a corrosion cell
        1.3.8 Galvanic corrosion and galvanic anode cathodic protection


2.1 CP Design objectives
2.2 Cathodic protection design procedure
2.3 Determining current requirements

       2.3.1 Current density
       2.3.2 International standards on CP current requirements
2.4 Current requirement estimating methods

       2.4.1 Literature Sources
       2.4.2 Experience on Similar Structures in Similar Conditions
       2.4.3 Determining Current Requirements on a Coated Structure by
                  Estimating the Percentage Bare
       2.4.4 Minimum Voltage Drop Method
       2.4.5 Polarization Test Method
       2.4.6 Polarization Shift Method

2.5 Calculation of Cathodic Protection Circuit Resistances

       2.5.1 Resistance of a Single Rod Shaped Anode Positioned
                  Vertically in the Earth
       2.5.2 Resistance of Multiple Vertical Anodes Connected to a Common
                  Header Cable or Structure
       2.5.3 Resistance of a Single Rod Shaped Anode Positioned Horizontally
                  in the Earth
       2.5.4 Resistance of Multiple Horizontal Anodes Connected on a
                  Common Header Cable
       2.5.5 Calculating Pipe Resistance to Remote Earth
       2.5.6 Calculation of Cable and Pipe Lineal Resistances

2.6 Calculating System Capacity & Life
2.7 The 10 Steps in Designing Galvanic Anode CP Systems
2.8 The 10 Steps in Designing Impressed Current CP Systems


3.1 Sample cathodic protection designs
       3.1.1 Galvanic anodes
       3.1.2 Impressed current system

3.2 Computer software for cathodic protection design: CP-Compass
3.3 Design project exercise


4.1 CP Interference
4.2 Stray current
       4.2.1 Detecting Stray Current
       4.2.2 Effects of Stray Current on Metallic Structures
       4.2.3 Mitigation of Interference Effects from Impressed Current
                  Cathodic Protection Systems
       4.2.4 Other Sources of DC Stray Current
4.3 AC Interference
       4.3.1 Conductive Coupling Due to Faults
       4.3.2 Electrostatic (Capacitive) Coupling
       4.3.3 Electromagnetic (Inductive Coupling)
4.4 Telluric Current Interference
       4.4.1 Interference Effects.
       4.4.2 Mitigation of Telluric Current Effects

5.1 Design of Performance Monitoring Facilities
5.2 Current Distribution
       5.2.1 Introduction
       5.2.2 Attenuation
       5.2.3 Effect of Coating on Current Distribution
       5.2.4 Effect of Anode-to-Structure Spacing on Current Distribution
       5.2.5 Effect of Structure Arrangement on Current Distribution
       5.2.6 Effect of Electrolyte Resistivity Variation on Current Distribution
       5.2.7 Effect of Current Distribution on Holidays on a Coated Structure
       5.2.8 Effect of Polarization (Time) on Current Distribution
       5.2.9 Summary of Current Distribution Factors
5.3 DC Power Sources for Cathodic Protection


6.1 CP system performance evaluation
       6.1.1 Potential measurement
       6.1.2 Voltage Drop Errors External to the Metering Circuit
       6.1.3 Methods of Minimizing Voltage Drop Errors in the Potential Measurement
       6.1.4 Measurement of Polarization Potential Shift
       6.1.5 Current Measurement
       6.1.6 Monitoring Cathodic Protection
       6.1.7 Pipe-to-soil potential surveys and analysis
       6.1.8 DCVG, ACVG and CIS Potential Surveys
       6.1.9 Coating Condition Surveys

       6.1.10 Cathodic protection modeling and corrosion prediction with CP-Compass

7.1 Troubleshooting Cathodic Protection Systems
7.2 CP Effectiveness and Recordkeeping
7.3 Specification of CP systems

7.4 End of course examination with design project


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 Who Should Attend
  • Engineers and technologists who are in charge of pipeline cathodic protection systems

  • Designers who are interested in cathodic protection technology for corrosion prevention of pipelines

  • Technicians and maintenance personnel who deal with installed cathodic protection systems

  • Facility owners and users who are concerned with corrosion

Successful completion of this corrosion course helps participants prepare for their NACE certification examinations at the Corrosion Technician, Corrosion Technologist and Senior Corrosion Technologist levels.


 Registration for This  Corrosion Course
  • Click here to register online for this corrosion course

  • Click here to download the course brochure with registration form

 In-House Training Corrosion Courses


If you are concerned with corrosion in your business, in-house training is a great solution to train a group of employees from design, production, operation, quality assurance, inspection and maintenance, and technical sales and support on corrosion control and corrosion prevention technology. The contents of all corrosion courses can be customized to fit your organization's needs.


There is no minimum or maximum number of participants required for in-house training corrosion courses. We conduct the in-house training corrosion course at your company's premises and at a time convenient to your company. Requests for in-house training corrosion courses from overseas countries are also welcome.


Click here to contact us for a quotation.

 Corrosion Course-On-Demand


All our publicly scheduled corrosion short courses are conducted once a year. However, you do not need to wait for one year if you have missed any of the publicly scheduled corrosion courses as we have this unique corrosion course-on-demand scheme: we will conduct the course just for you on an one-on-one basis at a time and in a location convenient to you. This option costs significantly less than a full-scale in-house training program.


Click here to contact us for a quotation for taking this course as course-on-demand.


 Online and Distance Learning Corrosion Courses

All corrosion courses can be conducted through online or distance learning. An username and password will be emailed to course participants for accessing the online course materials. Alternatively, a CD-ROM containing the same online course material or a master hard copy of corrosion course notes can be sent to your organization. Instructions, course assignments, discussions and questions related to the corrosion courses are posted on the website. Free email support for online courses is provided for a period up to 12 months. A Certificate of Completion will be issued to participants who pass the online test with a score of 70% and above.

Click here to register this corrosion short course for online or distance learning.

 PowerPoint Slides and Test Banks for Trainers, Instructors, Tutors, University Lecturers and Professors


If you are involved in teaching or training, you may wish to purchase a complete set of the trainer's package for this training course. The trainer's package comes complete with ready-to-use PowerPoint slides (fully editable) and test bank (with answer keys). These ready-to-use PowerPoint slides contain high quality color photographs, illustrations, animations, audio and video clips. The test bank contains questions in four categories: (1) true or false, (2) multiple choice, (3) calculation, and (4) reasoning and open-ended discussions. The trainer's package is suitable for in-house training and university teaching. This is exactly the same package that WebCorr uses to deliver our current training course.

The one-time lump sum fee allows your organization to use the training package and also modify it. For example, your organization may modify the course contents and re-name/re-brand the course under your organization’s name. WebCorr only retains the copyright of the original PowerPoint slides and test bank.


Click here to contact us if you need more information on the trainer's package.


Course Outline |Who Should Attend |Registration |In-House |On-Demand |Online Courses |PPT Slides+Testbank |Course List

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