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Corrosion Inspection, Corrosion Testing
and Monitoring |
Course Outline |Who Should Attend |Registration |In-House |On-Demand |Online Courses |PPT Slides+Testbank |Course List
Why WebCorr
Course Overview |
Corrosion is a disease to materials just like
a disease to human beings. Some types or forms of corrosion can be prevented
through good practices in materials selection and design, while others can
be cured or controlled if diagnosed early.
Corrosion diagnosis involves a number of
destructive and non-destructive inspection and examination techniques such
as visual, NDT/NDE, inspection, chemical, electrochemical, mechanical,
metallurgical, and microstructural tests and analyses. Unexpected corrosion
failures can be avoided through
corrosion inspection, corrosion monitoring,
and corrosion testing. This corrosion short course aims to present to the technologists and engineers a dozen of
corrosion testing and monitoring techniques that can be used to solve many
of their most tedious and persistent corrosion problems. This corrosion course will
provide the participants with a thorough understanding of the basic
principles and the practical applications of some simple yet powerful
techniques in corrosion testing and monitoring. For each technique, a step
by step guide for performing the corrosion measurements will be described. This
5-day course
(with practical session) provides
an excellent avenue for corrosion practitioners, researchers, designers, technical
managers, inspection and maintenance engineers, quality control personnel and those
involved in failure analysis to update their appreciation of modern
techniques for corrosion testing and
This corrosion short course can be taken as in-house
training course, online course and distance learning course worldwide. It can also be customized to meet the
specific needs of your organization. |
Course Outline |
This corrosion short course covers a wide range of corrosion testing and
monitoring techniques from conventional weight loss coupons, electrical
resistance (ER) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) to
advanced electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for routine
applications such as rapid screening of corrosion inhibitors, materials
selection, failure analysis, corrosion rate measurement, life prediction,
evaluation of paints, coatings, electroplating, on-line monitoring of
industrial processes, determination of resistance to pitting and crevice
corrosion, and the degree of sensitization of stainless steels and alloys.
This course also covers six most commonly used non-destructive
techniques for corrosion inspection.
1. Basics
of Corrosion Measurements
Corrosion and society
need for corrosion testing and monitoring
Terminology and conventions
Overview of
different forms of corrosion
2. Corrosion
Testing and Monitoring Techniques
Weight loss coupon
Electrical resistance (ER)
Principles of electrochemical methods and Tafel plot
linear polarisation resistance (LPR)
Potentiodynamic anodic polarisation
Cyclic polarisation for pitting test
Electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) for
sensitisation test
techniques: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),
electrochemical noise (EN),
zero-resistance ammetry (ZRA),
and hydrogen monitoring
3. Applications of Electrochemical Techniques
4. On-Line
Corrosion Monitoring
4.1 why
use on-line corrosion monitoring
direct methods of on-line corrosion monitoring
on-line monitoring system components and functions
principle on-line corrosion monitoring methods
to use it
much does it cost
5. Corrosion Inspection Techniques
5.1 Visual
5.2 Liquid
Penetrant Inspection
5.3 Magnetic
Particle Inspection
5.4 Ultrasonic
5.5 Eddy Current
5.6 X-ray
6. Software Solutions to Industrial
Corrosion: Overview of Corrosion Modeling and Corrosion
Prediction Software
ABC-Compass: Ammonium Bisulfide Corrosion Modeling and Life Prediction
ACE - Apps for Corrosion Engineers: A Collection of Essential Corrosion Software Applications for Corrosion Engineers, Corrosion Researchers, and Corrosion Technicians in Laboratories and in Fields
ACMF-Compass: Modeling and Prediction of the Effects of AC and Magnetic Field on Metal Corrosion
Atmosphere-Compass: Prediction and Modeling of Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals and Alloys
CCC-Compass: Modeling and Prediction of Caustic Corrosion and Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking
CIPAL-Compass: Copper-Induced Pitting in Aluminium Alloys - Modeling, Life Prediction and Process Control
CO2Compass: Modeling and Prediction of Corrosion by Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Acetic Acid (HAc), Elemental Sulfur (S), and Mercury (Hg) in Oil and Gas Pipelines and Production Tubing
Concrete-Compass: Concrete Corrosion Prediction and Modeling
CP-Compass-Pipeline: Cathodic Protection Design Calculations, Verification, Assessment and Solution for Underground Pipelines
CP-Compass-Concrete: Design Calculations for Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures
CRA-Compass: Corrosion Modeling and Corrosion Prediction for Corrosion Resistant Alloys - the Threshold Temperature and Chloride Concentration for Pitting, Crevice Corrosion, and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
CSR-Compass: Modeling and Remaining Life Prediction of Creep and Stress Rupture of Boiler and Heater Tubes
CUI-Compass: Prediction and Risk Assessment of Corrosion Under Insulation and Fireproofing
Dew-Point-Compass: Prediction of Dew Point Temperatures of Flue Gases and the Risk of Dew Point Corrosion
DWD-Compass: Modeling and Life Prediction of Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
EVS-Compass: Extreme Value Statistics in Corrosion Modeling and Corrosion Life Prediction of Structures and Plant Assets
Erosion Corrosion and Flow - Accelerated Corrosion Modeling, Life Prediction and Materials Selection in Water-Steam Systems
FuelAsh-Compass: Fuel Ash Corrosion Modeling and Life Prediction of Boiler and Heater Tubes
GC-Compass: Galvanic Corrosion Prediction and Materials Compatibility Assessment
H2Compass: Modeling and Prediction of Low Temperature Hydrogen Damages (Hydrogen Blistering, Hydrogen-Induced Cracking, Hydrogen Embrittlement) and High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
H2SO4-Compass: Corrosion Prediction and Materials Selection Guide for H2SO4 Services
HCl-Compass: Corrosion Prediction and Materials Selection Guide for HCl Services
ISO15156-Compass: Modeling and Prediction of in-situ pH, Region of Environmental Severity, and Susceptibility to Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
NAC-Compass: Modeling and Prediction of High Temperature Naphthenic Acid Corrosion
O2Compass: Modeling and Prediction of High Temperature Oxidation
OCTG-Compass: Corrosion Prediction and CRA Materials Selection Guide for Oil and Gas Production Systems
PipelineCompass: Pipeline Corrosion Modeling, Prediction, Assessment and Solutions
PCW-Compass: Corrosion Prediction and Modeling in Process Cooling Water Systems
SC-Compass: Stray Current Corrosion and AC Corrosion - Identification, Assessment and Prediction
Modeling and Prediction of High Temperature Sulfidation/Sulfidic Corrosion/H2-H2S Corrosion and Low Temperature Elemental Sulfur Corrosion
Seawater-Compass: Seawater Corrosion Prediction for Metals and Alloys
Shipwreck-Compass: Shipwreck Corrosion Modeling and Corrosion Prediction
Soil-Compass: Soil Corrosion Prediction and Modeling for Metals and Alloys
VPC-Compass: Prediction and Modeling of Internal Corrosion in Vapor Phase in Closed Systems
VPC-Compass-SE: Prediction and Modeling of Corrosion in Microelectronic Packages
Course Outline |Who Should Attend |Registration |In-House |On-Demand |Online Courses |PPT Slides+Testbank |Course List
Who Should Attend
This Corrosion Testing and Monitoring Course |
Corrosion practitioners, researchers, designers, technical managers, inspection
and maintenance engineers, quality control personnel and those involved in
failure analysis.
Successful completion of this corrosion course helps participants
prepare for their NACE certification examinations at the Corrosion Technician,
Corrosion Technologist and Senior Corrosion Technologist levels.
for This Corrosion Course |
here to register for this corrosion course online,
here to download this corrosion course brochure with
registration form in PDF format.
In-House Training Corrosion Courses and
On-Site Training Corrosion Courses |
If you are concerned with corrosion in your
company, in-house training or on-site training is a great solution to train a group of
employees from design, production, operation, quality assurance, inspection
and maintenance, and technical sales and support on corrosion control and
corrosion prevention technology. The contents of all our corrosion courses can
be customized to fit your organization's needs.
There is no limit to the number of participants required for
in-house training corrosion courses. We conduct the in-house training
corrosion course at your company's premises worldwide, and at a time convenient to
your company.
here to contact us
for a quotation for in-house training corrosion courses. |
Course-On-Demand |
All our publicly scheduled corrosion short courses are conducted once a year. However, you do not need to wait for one year if you have missed any of the publicly scheduled corrosion courses as we have this unique corrosion course-on-demand scheme: we will conduct the course just for you
(on an one-on-one basis) or for a small group from your company at a time and in a location convenient to you. This option costs significantly less than a full-scale in-house
or on-site corrosion training program.
here to contact us for a quotation. |
Corrosion Courses and Distance Learning Corrosion
Courses |
our corrosion short courses are available for online or offline distance
learning. You can start an online corrosion course at any time and learn
at your own comfortable pace and schedule, whenever and wherever you
are. You have around-the-clock access to the interactive and media-rich
course materials, virtual labs, course instructions and course assessments. Discussions and questions related to the corrosion courses
are posted on the website or exchanged through email for a period up to 3 months. Video conferencing or instant messaging can also be arranged for discussions of course topics.
For those who do not have ready access to internet, we can send
you our online course materials on a CD-ROM, or DVD, or USB flash drive for offline
distance learning.
here to to register an online corrosion short course. |
PowerPoint Slides and Test Banks for Trainers,
Instructors, Tutors, University Lecturers and Professors |
If you are involved in teaching or
training, you may wish to purchase a complete set of the trainer's
package for this training course. The trainer's
package comes complete with ready-to-use PowerPoint slides (fully
editable) and test bank (with answer keys). These ready-to-use
PowerPoint slides contain high quality color photographs, illustrations,
animations, audio and video clips. The test bank contains questions
in four categories: (1) true or false, (2)
multiple choice, (3) calculation, and (4) reasoning and open-ended
discussions. The trainer's package is suitable for in-house training and
university teaching (30 lecture hours). This is exactly the same package that WebCorr uses to deliver our
current training course.
The one-time lump sum fee allows your
organization to use the training package and also modify it. For
example, your organization may modify the course contents and
re-name/re-brand the course under your organization’s name. WebCorr only
retains the copyright of the original PowerPoint slides and test bank.
here to contact us if you need more information on the trainer's package.
Course Outline |Who Should Attend |Registration |In-House |On-Demand |Online Courses |PPT Slides+Testbank |Course List
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