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Lecture 5: The Theory for Aqueous Corrosion (III) |
4.7 PolarisationWhen a metal is not in equilibrium with a solution of its ions, the electrode potential
differs from the equilibrium potential by an amount known as the polarisation. Other terms having equivalent meaning
are overvoltage and overpotential. The symbol commonly used for polarisation is
Polarisation is an extremely important corrosion parameter for which relationships have been established which enable useful statements to be made about the rates of corrosion processes. In practical situations, polarisation is sometimes defined
as the potential change away from some other arbitrary potential (often the mixed potential or the free corrosion
potential, see section 4.9). Polarisation can also be expressed by
Tafel EquationConsider the process described in eqn. (4.38). In the last section we saw that corrosion rate and current density are directly related. At the beginning of this chapter we said that corrosion rate, v, could be expressed: At equilibrium, the rate of the forward (anodic) reaction is ia, and equals the rate of the reverse (cathodic) reaction, ic. (Remember that io = ia = ic at equilibrium.) It is usually possible to treat the concentration of reactants (e.g. the solid metal, for the forward reaction) as constant, and we shall incorporate the term into a new constant, Ao. Thus, if we consider the rate of the forward reaction for which the activation free energy is shown , we can write eqn. (4.42) as: When the forward reaction is faster than the reverse reaction (ia > ic) and an overall corrosion process occurs, equilibrium is destroyed and the free energies of the metal and its ions are at different levels, Fig. 4.6(a).
If we define the total polarisation, then we can define the anodic polarisation and the cathodic polarisation. Note that in Fig. 4.8, the polarisations have been converted into free energies by multiplication by the factor, zF, as in the Faraday equation, (4.13). This enables us to determine the new activation energy for the anodic reaction, because the energy state of the metal has increased and the activation energy reduced. Thus we can write: (Note that, similarly, the activation energy of cations, Mz+, being converted into M, i.e. the cathodic reaction, has increased. Substituting eqn. (4.43) into eqn. (4.45) This equation is known as the Butler-Volmer equation and is much used in this subject. Converting to base 10 logarithms and rearranging eqn. (4.51) the equation is known as the Tafel equation, whilst more specifically for the anode process: The constants a and c, are called the anodic and cathodic beta or Tafel constants. 4.11 Corrosion Test Cell & InstrumentationThe three-electrode cell is the standard laboratory apparatus for the quantitative investigation of the corrosion properties of materials. It is a refined version of the basic wet corrosion cell and a typical example is illustrated in Fig. 4.14. It can be used in many different types of corrosion experiments. First we shall examine the components in more detail.
Practical working electrodes can be constructed in a variety of ways. A simple method is to mount a small specimen in cold-setting resin, Fig. 4.15(a). Electrical connection must be made to the specimen, and this can be done with solder or spot weld on the reverse side before mounting. After mounting, specimens are often ground and polished, as for metallographic examination. If this technique is used, the surface will be 'activated', in other words, passive films may have been either removed entirely or just changed from the 'as-received' condition. This should always be borne in mind. Obviously, if the original passive film is part of the corrosion investigation, no pre-treatment should be used. In fact, this is the biggest single reason for discrepancies between 'lab' and 'field' data. Surfaces in real engineering systems are most often 'as-received' from manufacture and are not similar to specimens prepared for metallography. Although these specimen configurations are adequate for most purposes, accurate work may require a more carefully designed method of mounting. Two designs which are commercially available are illustrated in Fig. 4.15(b) and Fig. 4.15(c). Specimens in the form of thin discs of approximately 15 mm diameter, or cylinders of about 10 mm diameter x 10 mm length, can be quickly assembled into working electrodes with well-defined characteristics. The counter (auxiliary) electrode is the name given to the second electrode which is present specifically to carry the current in the circuit created by the investigation: it is not required for measurements of potential. Usually, a carbon rod is used, but it can be any material which will not introduce contaminating ions into the electrolyte. Platinum or gold can also be used with success, especially if space is at a premium, when smaller electrodes can be used; titanium is also suitable. The reference electrode is present to provide a very stable datum point against which the potential of the working electrode can be measured. It cannot itself carry any more than the most negligible current. If it did, it would participate in the cell reactions and its potential would no longer be constant, hence the requirement for the counter electrode. By far the most convenient reference electrode to use in such an experiment is a saturated calomel electrode, SCE. The external circuit can be varied considerably. The essential components are the following: SummaryPolarisation is simply a shift or change in potential. In reality, many factors may cause
polarisation of a system for better or for worse. Polarisation will affect the rate of corrosion reaction. Tafel
Equation, undoubtedly, one of the most important equations in corrosion science and engineering, relates polarisation
( To reinforce learning in this lecture read pages 95-100, 111-120 (textbook) |
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