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Corrosion Modeling Software and Corrosion Prediction Software Series

H2O-Compass®: Modeling and Prediction of Water Corrosivity and Scaling Tendency  

Highly Effective Software Solutions to Costly Corrosion/Scaling in Water Systems

Version 12.4


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Anytime       Anywhere      Any Device      Any OS

No USB dongles     No installation       No Browser Plug-ins


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Overview of H2O-Compass:

A Software Tool for Modeling and Prediction of Water Corrosivity and Scaling Tendency


Scaling and corrosion problems are frequently encountered in pipelines and process equipment handling various sources of waters such as surface water, groundwater, drinking water, cooling water, and wastewater. H2O-Compass is a software tool that models the effect of water chemistry on the water aggressiveness (water corrosivity) and the scaling tendency. Facility owners, operators, engineers, consultants, maintenance and inspection personnel can quickly assess and quantify the impact of the water chemistry on the water corrosivity and the scaling tendency. H2O-Compass predicts the following water quality indicators in accordance with ISO/TR4340 and best industry practice:

  1.  the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI),

  2. the Ryznar Stability Index (RSI),

  3. the Puckorius Scaling Index (PSI),

  4. the Aggressive Index (AI),

  5. the Larson-Skold Corrosive Index (LSK),

  6. the calcium carbonate precipitation potential (CCPP),

  7. Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), and

  8. Dissolved oxygen at saturation

Under the water chemistry shown in Figure 1 below, H2O-Compass predicts that:

  1. the water is considered to be hard water;

  2. the water is undersaturated with CaCO3;

  3. there will be heavy corrosion caused by the specified water chemistry;

  4. there is no scaling tendency.

Figure 1 Overview of H2O-Compass.

Using H2O-Compass is as easy as 1-2-3:

(1) Enter the water chemistry;

(2) Review the prediction results.

(3) Change the water chemistry (such as pH and temperature) and assess the impact on the water quality.


WebCorr can also customize H2O-Compass software for your company.

Click here to contact us for licensing details.

H2O-Compass, giving you the right directions in managing corrosion in cooling water systems.

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