Conventional patch repair of corroded concrete
structures inevitably introduces “incipient anode” effect due to the
different electrochemical behavior of the “new” and “old” rebar/cement.
The newly patched area has a higher potential than the neighboring area
(which may still be contaminated with chloride) and is the cathode in
the corrosion process, while the rebars in the neighboring areas become
the anode and start to corrode. Conventional patch repair treats only
the symptoms not the cause and the incipient anode effect makes this
repair a never-ending process.
One innovative product that uses pre-packaged zinc
sacrificial anode (commercially known as Galvashield XP - registered
trademarks of Fosroc international) can provide solution to the
incipient anode induced corrosion (Fig.3). Since zinc is pre-packaged in
a specially formulated mortar that maintains the surface reactivity of
zinc, electrons released from zinc will be readily transferred to the
neighboring steel rebar network. The effective protection distance by
such an embedded unit is sufficient to suppress the incipient anode
effect. Installation of such an integrated system is easy and flexible.
There are no special techniques required. The self-contained wire ties
allow attachment to vertical, horizontal and overhead positions (Fig.4).
The effectiveness of the pre-packaged zinc sacrificial anode on the
preventing rebar corroison is demonstrated in Figure 5.

Fig.3a Zinc encased in special mortar
Fig.3b Cross-sectional view the zinc anode
(Photos copyrighted by FOSROC
International )

Fig4. Installed zinc anode (Galvashield
XP) (Photo copyrighted by FOSROC International)
Laboratory experiments showed
that the zinc anode can suppress the formation of incipient anodes
around the repair (Fig.5).
Fig.5 Effectiveness of pre-packaged zinc sacrificial anode on the corrosion
of rebar
(Photo copyrighted by FOSROC International )
Field applications include car parks, buildings, bridges and
any other reinforced concrete structures where conventional patch repairs
can not provide acceptable performance.